Friday, December 14, 2012

Massacre in Newtown Connecticut-Bloggers Thoughts

NEWTOWN, Conn.—. Multiple people have been killed in a shooting at an elementary school. The number of dead is unclear, but there are at least 20 shooting victims. Todays Actions in Connecticut are deplorable kids murdered in cold blood. Kids taken before their time. But we must not rush to claim (what if we had a hand gun ban). No we must morn and celebrate that the Innocent lives that where. Not pass legislation to make us less safe. I am now convinced more now than ever. We must pass open carry then maybe the criminal element in this country that uses guns to kill will either think twice or get what they deserve before 27+ people 18 kids get murdered by home grown Terrorist. I wish to offer my condolences to the families my God be with you in your grief.

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